Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Blind Leading the Blind

Deception in the body
It's one thing for someone to deceive you-BUT when you make the decision to be deceived-who can help you?
There is one Gospel and that's it! All though as it talks about in Galatians of someone bringing another Gospel, it's referring to another of a different kind. not the Gospel but a deceptive replacement sent from satan and it's out there in many different forms and flavors. Unfortunately people are so drawn by their own dark heart to religion and away from Christ. Wanting to be excepted by the masses and caring less about what God thinks about them. The cross of Christ becomes a stumbling stone and a rock of offence to them.
In my next blog I will destroy this silly false teaching of Christians having to keep the sabbath. This is one easily to shot down since there is absolutely no command in the new testament to keep this Jewish Law-nun whatsoever.
I am so surprised how some people that have a bible and can read can't figure out how to study for themselves. With the use of Greek and Hebrew study tools available and common sense. It just takes a true heart and the ability to read in context the Scriptures plus time and the power of the Holy Spirit and you've got it.
Some read that word commandment in the new testament and think it refers to the ten commandments- silly. If you really look at the new test alone there are 1050 plus commandments in it alone.
When asked of Jesus what is the most important commandment He said to love the Lord you God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength and the second is like unto it-to love your neighbor.
The law people are after a dream that comes from satan himself-that you can satisfy God with your works. It puts them in the same seat as satan himself -one of pride and that was his fall and will be the fall of the ones under law. They love to have the ten rules to keep, thinking they are really something now and they can point to all other Christians and say they are going to hell because of not keeping this law and that. Or not keeping the law of the sabbath, Hippocrates and Pharisees. Straining the gnat and swallowing the camel and the whole heard. They are now on their marry-go-round of condemnation and guilt, Followed with a chaser of shame.
They will try to be perfect in themselves not knowing that is exactly why the law was given to reveal in it's mirror that you need Christ to be clean. The mirror will never clean what you see in it. But it will reveal the ONE who cleans-Christ. Even after you are clean you need to die to your self and live through the one who is the only keeper of the law.
Those under the law would say " look your teaching others to break the law" silly thinking and very childish- you see that I totally believe in keeping the law and in fact I keep every one of them by being IN Christ! It's not about you doing the works it's about Him having done them for us because we couldn't. Then we as dead people are made alive in Him and have His righteousness.
If you think for one second that now that you are a Christian that you need to keep the ten commandments to get to heaven-you might never have been saved! The real revelation hasn't hit home...