Thursday, August 7, 2008

Good report

Good report
Howdy!Got a phone call from the person I prayed for on Friday - for somethings that had been giving him both pain and fear for months. He is an on fire Christian that has been standing for this thing to leave and wouldn't even tell his wife. Well we prayed and demanded it to leave and I said I don't care what your name is or even what the problem is called -I just call this man healed spirit, soul and body NOW in Jesus name.He told me to day that he feels the best he has felt in months-Jesus is Lord!Love you guys.
WAR ON~David~

I am so blessed

I am so blessed
1 Samuel 18:1 -31.And it came to pass, when he had made an end of speaking unto Saul, that the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul.2.And Saul took him that day, and would let him go no more home to his father's house.3.Then Jonathan and David made a covenant, because he loved him as his own soul.God has a destiny for those that are His. He causes roads to meet and rivers to flow together. In His genius is continuity and grandeur. The schemes of His heart are finite and brilliant. Thank You my Lord for those that have crossed my path- may I give them all that is of You and receive all that you have for me in them, may I serve them as unto You and seek only their very best, which of course is Jesus and Your great works. Cause us to flow in meekness and humility with great expectancy for one another. Plow our hearts, unveil Jesus in us as we dissolve and You shine forth.Holy Lord God my Father, I can't put into words my heart of love and appreciation-for Your children and only hope to allow them to see You in me... Thank You! Thank You! Jesus for the time friends spend together-as we sit in Your glory, seeing Jesus lifted up and men being drawn unto You. In Your presences is fullness of joy.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

No isn't the answer

When it comes to the devil-don't take no for an answer

Arriving back from Melbourne from Curry Blake's DHT course, I was reminiscing of all that God had done in a short five day period. I had met seven men of God that will turn the world towards the will of heaven. With fire in our bones and the love of God compelling us we will reach out to the hurting with the hands of Jesus.
Since returning home I have had the opportunity to demand health into the cancer-ed, back injured, sickly and hospitalised and God has healed. "Did you see it brother David?" I don't need to see it-if i just go by what i see i never would have become a Christian. I do believe what God has said -that believers will lay hands on the sick and they WILL recover. What are you waiting for, something you can see? If so read the Bible and you will Begin to see. It is time for us to take the sword out and swing it. God is on our side and we will win if we never give up-because Jesus has already secured our victory. If they are in need -give it to them. If they see Jesus in you and see Him work through you they will have no excuse...

It's not to late

It's not to late!

Darkness clutches the heart as fear cuddles up to family and friend. The future has dwindled to smoke. Pain shutters in the depth of the soul, screams of confusion ring the mind. Futility clings to unfed bones… Sickness a weapon while disease wraps itself around the organs. Laughter reaches to the ears from the deep recesses of the pit… The question is spoken from the mouth” what have I done to deserve this”? The answer can’t be found- all hope is lost.

A bolt of fire burns its way through the darkness. The heart jumps as the invasion of power leaps to fight. Compassion flames and hatred attacks the marrow… Out of the fog rolls the words “be gone in Jesus name”.

Hope restored, passion enriched, the cells take on a new twist, and holy purity demands the flesh. It must arise from this grip of death and take the grace of heavens call.

Dissipating clouds, the eyes can now see- who is this that speaks with the voice of God? Announcing victory to the oppressed and freedom to the downtrodden? Who smashes chains of death with a sword of mercy calling life and health restored?

The son of the Father pulls his hand away knowing in whom he has believed, as he looks for his next mission.


It's a great day to be alive!

It's a great day to be alive!
Sozo is the Greek word for Save-saved, salvation and it means deliverance, healing, total restoration and regeneration. The bible says"today is the day of salvation"! If you are in need or you come upon another that is in need -isn't great to know that God has made a day ahead of time to get what you need...I got a call the other day from a man that has been going through a lot for some months now . He has gone to the doctors many times and they had put him through many tests and evaluations and still had no answer for him. We prayed together and he was set free instantly and all the fear of what it could be and do went out the window also. Never be afraid to ask another for prayer-we need each other and we are all growing in understanding. To God be the glory!
War on for God!...

Our hearts are His

Our Hearts are His...
The Father is seeking those who's heart are perfect towards Him. Our perfection isn't based on us-thank God . Our righteousness is based on what Jesus has done and what He has given to us. Put on the new man - be renewed in the spirit of your mind- be aware of what God has done for you and in you. The devil is a liar and a thief... Satan has nothing on you but to put you in condemnation and use suggestions to thwart the power of God in your life. You are accepted in Christ. God sees you not as a man but as His child. Take this personally-God is your Father and put NO confidence in the flesh. Boast in the cross and see Jesus for all that He is and see your self dead to sin and alive unto God. In these last days God is doing a quick work and His word is unfolding in the hearts of the willing. Power and authority are given but now the understanding of it has reached the minds and the two are in agreement-both spirit and mind... May the glory and power of heaven invade all that is in your life. May God find you busy and resting in Him. The Fathers touch is in your hands and heart. The fields are ripe-bring forth the reapers Lord!Bless these your children in a fresh new way and their families. Cause us to rise up to the place You has set for us. Lets us NOT look back, but always into your eyes. As they read this -the power and anointing of God-the presence of Jesus in their midst breaks down every wall and Your river overflows every bank-the freedom of Christ sets all the captives free and health is restored NOW! In Jesus name. The place of devils is replaced with the peace of God! Marriages are healed in Jesus name! Be healed!! and satan your power is broken NOW! go in Jesus name. And DO NOT return! Father let Your glory and power come in might and revelation - light up our minds - fill us to the brim and overflow... overflow...overflow! from glory to glory! Might to might!
War on for God! (the war is really over we are just picking up the pieces)...

I have decided!

I Have decided to follow Jesus!
Dear brothers, day by day and sometimes minuet by minuet I have to make a decision to do what the Lord wants instead of what I or the world around me wants. Sometimes it is the very ones that are the closest to you that appose what you have in your heart. I have just so many days left on this earth and I have waisted many days in the past. I cry when I think of standing in heaven and seeing with clarity all the people God wanted me to touch but I was into other things -things that don't really matter in the respects of eternity."Father help me to stand as I should and not to look to the left or right. My heart cry's out for the souls unsaved and the bodies racked with devilish pain. I am so small in this world -BUT You Lord are great and powerful-You are the answer and the truth. Pour me out and take this body ,mouth, feet and hands and use them to Your greater glory. I put You first Jesus-over all people-all things-all Ideas-all wants and desires. Take Your word and Spirit and cut off of me all that is out of order of Your perfect will. I endeavor to put on the new man which after Good is created in righteousness and true holiness. I will move from the position of Your love and reach out what I have to others... I can of my own self do nothing-BUT Jesus you are in me and You desire way more then I -to set the captive free. I have encountered the opposition and the ridicule as well as dead religion, and I am all the more ready to walk in a non-compromising life style. Come hell or high water You will be there-and I am in You, so I to will be there! Jesus some times I have only You---WELL I AM HERE TO SAY-YOU ARE MORE THEN ENOUGH!!!" I have decided to follow Jesus-no turning back-NO turning back!Jesus cares!--so I must!War On For Those Who Can't-Jesus is LORD!.......

We are the church

Cathedrals built on hills –huge churches sparkling with golden crosses parking lots reaching for blocks. Ten feet away the drunk goes unnoticed as the passers by speak christianese and wonder when God will fill their bank accounts. Pastor tells how god will bless your socks off and you notice your socks are on the pastor’s feet. Fake smiles on dead faces and bibles unopened… Comparing houses with houses-cars to cars as hungry families are right across the street. Pats on the back and names are given—I am a prophet-I am a Pastor –I am a apostle. The clubs are meeting on every corner and the tithes are received. Bigger churches are the cry! A wake of sorrow has left crowds of disillusioned people wondering why they aren’t blessed and part of the clique. Religion opens it’s mouth and divides the Godly…In the deep darkest place-the place of blood, drugs and alcoholed walls. The place of hopelessness and violence we find a man who is in the mud with his arm around another. Wiping vomit from the mouth and giving himself for others- he talks of one who loves beyond all sins, cares at all times and has made the way clear for new beginnings. He asks for nothing and gives all he has. The oppressed asks what church this man goes to and his reply is simple, this is my church and Jesus is here with us now- I use to go to this one and that one but Jesus wasn’t there- He was out looking for those who needed Him…


I don't feel a thing...
Howdy men and women of God! There has been so much said lately about manifestations and the such-well I have come to ask my self about this in much detail and to go into the book of answers along this area. Manifestations are (or should I say can be) good and I may or may not see them. In fact I have noticed that many times God draws the manifestations back and leaves me hanging without any feelings whatsoever. I now have the understanding that He does this to get us to the point of total dependency on what He says in His word and not to be caught up by the senses. If we live in the sense world the devil can eat us for lunch, and lead us into anything. We are to live by and in faith-and that is the faith that God gave us. Not some worked up state of fake emotional bliss. Have you had those days lately where you don't feel close to God and that He seems so far away? Have you felt alone and depressed- hoping to get the right feeling back so you can think right? Well I'm here to tell you that is happening to all the ones who are wanting to walk in the power and presence of God. At one time they felt the tangible presence of God but where is it now? God is there and never has left - God isn't mad and far away and you will never have more of God then you do RIGHT NOW! Do not judge where you are right now by feelings you may have had in the past-at a seminar, retreat or at church.Enjoy the righteousness you have with God through Jesus works today-right now. If the devil has been speaking to you- then you have been lied to and you need to know that God is there and He hasn't changed His love for you for He loves you with an everlasting love, even when you wake feeling unsaved or grouchy or alone -He is there and if you walk by the faith of Jesus you will eventually feel it but that isn't what matters-what matters is that God said He will be there with you and never forsake you-EVER! Hope this helps-God bless yah... Jesus loves people.War on for God-for we have the victory already!..

Have faith in God

Have faith in God!
Without faith it is impossible to please God, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him.-Heb 11:6Our faith in Jesus allows us to go to the place and standing that pleases God. We have died in our baptism into Christ and we now live in and through Him. By faith we are who we are and that is by the grace of God. Eph 2:8-9 says is by grace through faith that we are saved-and that is not of ourselves-it is a gift from God not of works lest anyone would boast about what they have done to obtain their position.The bible says “there by the grace of God go I” Paul had the best understanding of grace and he received it directly from Jesus. Beloved we need to know what we have in our death with Christ so we can know what we have in His life. In our death we have been set free from death, hell, sickness, sin and all its effects. We are to move in the power of the resurrected life of Christ-in Him we live and move and have our being. Christ in us is hope of glory. It is Christ in you that will glorify God through you. Rejoice for God has given you all the faith you need or will need. So now receive the grace of God by faith and walk as a friend of God and a heir of Christ.Just something I got while sitting up late at night-hope it works for you and in you.Gee I don’t even know if anybody ever goes to this blog anymore-lol Oh well it helped me to type it out… To God be the glory great things He has done!
War on for God!

Who Has your heart?

God or Man
There is a calling that goes beyond the ears, beyond the eyes. The call of our Father seeking those who's hearts are for Him. People not sold into the bondage of men or theologies or doctrines. People who's hearts are focused towards only what God has said and is personally saying in them. People forsaken by the world and others but en wrapped in the sanctification of the new life in Christ. People that know the truth and aren't afraid to live it. Forsaking all and going for the things of heaven, these are the fearless, the selfless not driven by the norm, not following others or being controled by others. Walking in the footsteps of Jesus even when they have to walk alone. It is a very narrow gate to except the call of God... Few have the guts and love that drive them on in the face of adversity. I am reminded of the scripture "those that know the truth and don't do it-to them it is sin." The question is simple? Will we serve the Lord or man?
War on for God

There by the grace of God go I

There by the grace of God go I
We have been called for such a time as this.Howdy brothers in Christ! Today is a new day and Gods mercies are new everyday. The inward man is renewed day by day. God says He loves us with an everlasting love... Man these are good words from our Father! Paul said "there by the grace of God go I" No one in Christ is better then another for God is no respecter of persons. We have been created equal in the new birth and we are excepted in the beloved. With that said i just want to encourage you and tell you that God needs you and wants to use you. Isn't that the thing that you want the most? After all we are passing through here as a vapor and the time here is so quick. People are dieing and going to hell and people are being chained down by religious teachings and have become unprofitable servants. I believe that all of us were called to go to the DHT so that we could make a difference in this stranglehold of religiosity that holds Sydney by the throat. Remember how God was speaking to your heart at the meetings and how free you were. We must take up our cross and follow Him- we must put aside - ourselves and allow Jesus to flow through us. Has God called us to a church or to a wife or to a pastor, or has He called us to Himself? Are we going to follow Him and unite with those of like precious faith? Was Curry right when he said many sit and hear and never come to the knowledge of the truth? People hear the word and then allow the devil to steel the word from their hearts-we are to guard our hearts with all diligence...Today is a new day and I will praise the Lord! God has loved me when I was unlovable I will praise the Lord - Jesus came here for me and died for me and rose for me,I will praise the lord... Great are You Lord and great is Your work to free us and heal us and save us-I will praise you for ever Lord!!!!
War on for God!!!