Tuesday, August 5, 2008

There by the grace of God go I

There by the grace of God go I
We have been called for such a time as this.Howdy brothers in Christ! Today is a new day and Gods mercies are new everyday. The inward man is renewed day by day. God says He loves us with an everlasting love... Man these are good words from our Father! Paul said "there by the grace of God go I" No one in Christ is better then another for God is no respecter of persons. We have been created equal in the new birth and we are excepted in the beloved. With that said i just want to encourage you and tell you that God needs you and wants to use you. Isn't that the thing that you want the most? After all we are passing through here as a vapor and the time here is so quick. People are dieing and going to hell and people are being chained down by religious teachings and have become unprofitable servants. I believe that all of us were called to go to the DHT so that we could make a difference in this stranglehold of religiosity that holds Sydney by the throat. Remember how God was speaking to your heart at the meetings and how free you were. We must take up our cross and follow Him- we must put aside - ourselves and allow Jesus to flow through us. Has God called us to a church or to a wife or to a pastor, or has He called us to Himself? Are we going to follow Him and unite with those of like precious faith? Was Curry right when he said many sit and hear and never come to the knowledge of the truth? People hear the word and then allow the devil to steel the word from their hearts-we are to guard our hearts with all diligence...Today is a new day and I will praise the Lord! God has loved me when I was unlovable I will praise the Lord - Jesus came here for me and died for me and rose for me,I will praise the lord... Great are You Lord and great is Your work to free us and heal us and save us-I will praise you for ever Lord!!!!
War on for God!!!

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