Tuesday, August 5, 2008

It's a great day to be alive!

It's a great day to be alive!
Sozo is the Greek word for Save-saved, salvation and it means deliverance, healing, total restoration and regeneration. The bible says"today is the day of salvation"! If you are in need or you come upon another that is in need -isn't great to know that God has made a day ahead of time to get what you need...I got a call the other day from a man that has been going through a lot for some months now . He has gone to the doctors many times and they had put him through many tests and evaluations and still had no answer for him. We prayed together and he was set free instantly and all the fear of what it could be and do went out the window also. Never be afraid to ask another for prayer-we need each other and we are all growing in understanding. To God be the glory!
War on for God!...

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