Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I have decided!

I Have decided to follow Jesus!
Dear brothers, day by day and sometimes minuet by minuet I have to make a decision to do what the Lord wants instead of what I or the world around me wants. Sometimes it is the very ones that are the closest to you that appose what you have in your heart. I have just so many days left on this earth and I have waisted many days in the past. I cry when I think of standing in heaven and seeing with clarity all the people God wanted me to touch but I was into other things -things that don't really matter in the respects of eternity."Father help me to stand as I should and not to look to the left or right. My heart cry's out for the souls unsaved and the bodies racked with devilish pain. I am so small in this world -BUT You Lord are great and powerful-You are the answer and the truth. Pour me out and take this body ,mouth, feet and hands and use them to Your greater glory. I put You first Jesus-over all people-all things-all Ideas-all wants and desires. Take Your word and Spirit and cut off of me all that is out of order of Your perfect will. I endeavor to put on the new man which after Good is created in righteousness and true holiness. I will move from the position of Your love and reach out what I have to others... I can of my own self do nothing-BUT Jesus you are in me and You desire way more then I -to set the captive free. I have encountered the opposition and the ridicule as well as dead religion, and I am all the more ready to walk in a non-compromising life style. Come hell or high water You will be there-and I am in You, so I to will be there! Jesus some times I have only You---WELL I AM HERE TO SAY-YOU ARE MORE THEN ENOUGH!!!" I have decided to follow Jesus-no turning back-NO turning back!Jesus cares!--so I must!War On For Those Who Can't-Jesus is LORD!.......

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