Thursday, August 14, 2008

Judgement revisited

The spiritual man judges all things
Do not believe every spirit but test them- so we know whether they be of God or not-There are many false prophets and teachers out there and in churches. Some would tell you not to judge any one that God is using, or appears God is using. That there is a judgement you have just made-Is God using them or is it another? Think about it- God gave us a mind to take in the word of God so we can judge all things (even ourselves) as to whether it is God or not. Some would say we are not to use our minds –or do any thinking about spiritual things- and to that I say they have been tricked into a place of danger. No where in the word of God dose it say were not to judge teachings or prophesies or any word in fact that claims to be a word of the Lord. Brothers don’t fall prey to being a lamb dragged off of the path the Lord has you on because you just go with the flow… The main place the devil uses is the church to infiltrate and bring down unsuspecting people. We need to be like the berean church that search the scriptures to see if what is being said is in the word and is it in context. We are to judge all things according to the word-"the spiritual man judges ALL things". God tells us to guard our hearts with all diligence. Even Paul in both books of Timothy and the book of Titus judged people and even gave their names. Read your bible and follow Jesus because if you blindly follow anyone and don’t search out the scriptures on their words you too will be deceived. Anyone can get on TV and claim to be a prophet or pastor or teacher-all you need is money. Anyone can have a following just speak what others want to hear, but that does NOT make it of God. Jesus called what looked like very religious men- white washed sepecures (tombs) and vipers. Jesus was in church and made a judgement about the activities at the church and drove out the money changers in fierce anger for the things of God. There had to first be a judgement made in His heart about the matter didn’t there? There is a history of people that just followed another pastor, teacher into all assorted false teachings that made them impotent in the power of God and it caused them to live defeated mediocre lives, and some fell into sexual sins and all cultic things and then into death because they were taught not to make any judgements on the ministry they were in… Google the name Jim Jones and see what you can get into if you follow men and put them on a untouchable platform in your heart.
2 timothy 2 preach the Word; be instant in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine. <- (how do you rebuke and reprove if you can't judge?)3For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but having itching ears, they shall heap to themselves teachers in accordance with their own lusts.4And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned toward fables.5But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill thy ministry.In all things we too are to WATCH- what for ? To judge whether the teaching is of God. I am saying judge all things coming at you but leave the judging of motives to the Lord. Love all people but fall prey to no one. Follow Jesus at all times and give out the heart of God in rebuke if need be. Real love is to first follow God and them to love others enough to call a sin a sin and receive your rebuke too if you want to be wise...
War on for God

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